By the nature of distance education, learners need to take a high level of initiative as well as responsibility where their learning and making a success of it are concerned. Going to school and holding a job can be a daunting task if it is not well planned and managed. This is especially so if, in addition, a learner has other personal and family commitments. We have therefore put together here very important tips for current and prospective learners. These tips are from those who have successfully traveled the same road you are in or about to travel.


Making social sacrifice by cutting down on the amount of time that, for example, you spend with friends and relations is highly needed. This would give you more time for your studies. A great deal of self-discipline is required here but you should know that it is possible because many people have succeeded in doing it.

The nature of your job should be one that is flexible enough to allow you to take your annual leave when it is time for your examinations or other activities that require you to be physically present in the university campus. If your current work schedule would not allow pursuing your educational goal by distance learning, you may need to have some discussions with your superior at work for some adjustments to your work schedule. Some have had to change jobs to enable them to be able to balance work, home and school life.

Develop a plan of how your study will be. Make sure your plan is realistic considering your circumstances. Like how many hours per week are you willing to commit to studying? Be realistic about this. Your studying routine should be one that you can stick to. Follow your studying plan as much as possible.

Set Goals
Write out everything you wish to accomplish in a particular week. As you accomplish a task, mark it off as accomplished. This way, you will be able to assess yourself on a weekly basis.

Understand the Learning Portal
Interaction is a critical component of successful a distance learning programs. You are therefore encouraged to familiarize yourself with the learning portal of the Distance learning centre, www. . So that when the need to communicate with fellow learners and course facilitators/e-tutors arise, lack of understanding of the portal will not be a hindrance.

Learner Support
Remember, the learner support unit of the Distance Learning Centre, University of Benin is at your service whenever you need to contact someone concerning your studies. Do not hesitate to do so, whether it is about admissions, course assignments, course materials, or any other information you need to know. Do contact someone. You can also go through the FAQs as this would answer some of your questions that need answers.